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AAT Exams

AAT Exams

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AAT EXAMS Thursday 27th February 2025



You are booking and making payment for an AAT Exam Booking for Thursday 27th February 2025, Leamington Centre.

Start Time: 10:00

The exam fee is strictly non-refundable once a booking is made.

Should you wish to change the date of your exam we will require a minimum of 7 days notice.

Candidates are required to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of the exam.

All candidates have to be able to provide a valid identification document on the day of the exam. The only ID documents accepted are a valid passport or any other nationality document with photograph, valid UK driving License (provisional is also accepted) or College Student lanyard and ID.

Please bring a copy of your confirmation email with you to the exam.

If you have any queries regarding an exam, please contact our Professional Studies team on 0330 135 6318 or ([email protected])

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AAT EXAMS Wednesday 12th March 2025



You are booking and making payment for an AAT Exam Booking for Wednesday 12th March 2025, Leamington Centre.

Start Time: 10:00

The exam fee is strictly non-refundable once a booking is made.

Should you wish to change the date of your exam we will require a minimum of 7 days notice.

Candidates are required to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of the exam.

All candidates have to be able to provide a valid identification document on the day of the exam. The only ID documents accepted are a valid passport or any other nationality document with photograph, valid UK driving License (provisional is also accepted) or College Student lanyard and ID.

Please bring a copy of your confirmation email with you to the exam.

If you have any queries regarding an exam, please contact our Professional Studies team on 0330 135 6318 or ([email protected])

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