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C&G Plumbing Resit Unit Exam Rugby


Amount (£)


You are booking and making payment for an CGLI Plumbing Resit Unit Exam at Rugby.

Your tutor will communicate with you the date and time for your exam.

The exam resit fee is strictly non-refundable once a booking is made.

Please be aware that the resit fee is per Unit. Please ensure to select multiple amounts if needing to resit more than 1 unit.

If you have any queries regarding an exam, please contact the Rugby Exam Office on 0330 135 6888 or (rugbyexams@warwickshire.ac.uk)


Detailed Description

Detailed Description

Please check all of your details are correct before making payment: 
- Your Full Name
- Date of Birth
- Student ID
- CGLI Enrollment No.
- Exam Unit Code (please speak to your tutor for this information)

Changes can not be made at a later date. 

The Centre reserves the right not to allow cancellation of the exam/s.        

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